International Private Leased Circuit (IPLC)
NovoCom’s International Private Leased Circuit (IPLC) is a Point-to-Point (P2P) private line leveraging EoSDH technology that provides customers with Layer 1 international data bandwidth for real-time applications.
L2/L3 Global MPLS (VPN)
NovoCom enables true mobility with its Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS L2/L3) service to provide reliable and secure global access to your network. Enterprises can also leverage MPLS Quality of Service (QoS) to prioritize network traffic effectively, ensuring optimal performance for critical applications.

IP Transit
With a focus on high resilience and low latency, NovoCom offers IP Transit service across multiple routes on a diversified high-speed IP backbone, ensuring global coverage.
Dedicated Internet Access (DIA)
NovoCom's DIA service allows you to connect with Global Internet seamlessly with uncontended Bandwidth by leveraging our robust network infrastructure and multiple protected upstream.

Gateway Services
The Gateway Service acts as a gateway facilitating seamless interconnectivity which enables smooth data exchange between international carriers and IIG’s at Bangladesh-India border. IIG operators can connect with Tata, Bharti Airtel or Jio at Benapole utilizing our Gateway Services.
NovoCom NIX (National Internet Exchange) can benefit ISPs and OTT media providers to exchange domestic traffic with almost zero latency among users which can promise an unparalleled user experience and elevated customer satisfaction.

International Private Leased Circuit (IPLC)
NovoCom’s International Private Leased Circuit (IPLC) is a Point-to-Point (P2P) private line leveraging EoSDH technology that provides customers with Layer 1 international data bandwidth for real-time applications.

L2/L3 Global MPLS (VPN)
NovoCom enables true mobility with its Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS L2/L3) service to provide reliable and secure global access to your network. Enterprises can also leverage MPLS Quality of Service (QoS) to prioritize network traffic effectively, ensuring optimal performance for critical applications.

IP Transit
With a focus on high resilience and low latency, NovoCom offers IP Transit service across multiple routes on a diversified high-speed IP backbone, ensuring global coverage.

Dedicated Internet Access (DIA)
NovoCom's DIA service allows you to connect with Global Internet seamlessly with uncontended Bandwidth by leveraging our robust network infrastructure and multiple protected upstream.

Gateway Services
The Gateway Service acts as a gateway facilitating seamless interconnectivity which enables smooth data exchange between international carriers and IIG’s at Bangladesh-India border. IIG operators can connect with Tata, Bharti Airtel or Jio at Benapole utilizing our Gateway Services.

NovoCom NIX (National Internet Exchange) can benefit ISPs and OTT media providers to exchange domestic traffic with almost zero latency among users which can promise an unparalleled user experience and elevated customer satisfaction.